Who We Are
We are a church whose members love and value each other.
Our faith community is a force for caring and sharing God’s
love in local and wider communities. As members, we learn, grow and serve together to do God’s work with faith, compassion and respect.
Our Mission
To bring God’s Word, as seen in the life of Jesus Christ, to the community and the world, through worship, fellowship, missions, and our lives.
Our Promise

O God, as people of faith, we promise with You, with one another and with our Church:
1. To support each other, including the Pastor, in pursuit of mutual productivity, integrity, accountability and enjoyment of Center Harbor Congregational Church, UCC ministry in our church and in the wider community.
2. To listen, acknowledge and strive to understand each other’s viewpoint and to be respectful and courteous toward each member of the Congregation and toward the Pastor. We will encourage all to feel free to express opinions and suggestions and will respond with positive consideration when concerns are voiced.
3. To continue to work toward more flexible and transparent governance, whereby:
Business is always conducted in the open;
Communication is clear, complete and frequent;
Decisions of the majority of the membership are supported and carried out with integrity;
Questions and concerns are addressed to the appropriate board or committee and allowed to follow a course of resolution through the established church governance structure;
4. To the best of our ability, attend worship regularly, provide financial support to the church and share in its activities.
5. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here
(added to “Our Promise” according to Diversity Statement, voted on October 28, 2013).
6. To encourage members to directly, immediately and respectfully challenge any
member whose behavior is contrary to Our Promise.